Throughout the year tenants fall behind in rent – one of the most common times is just after Christmas, and it’s a fantastic time of year too. You can just sense the joy and elation as people hustle and bustle around trying to buy that last-minute surprise and catching the specials. This time of year is about giving and the joy is everywhere. We all spend that little extra and think “she’ll be right” “it doesn’t matter if I break the budget this week, I’ll deal with it next week.”
But guess what? All of the property managers are the ones that get affected by this. When that credit card bill comes in a few days after Christmas and all the laybys have to be paid, and the agency is closed, clients know they won’t get a call from their agent. As a result, the rent becomes the last bill to be paid.
Hamish has over 17 years of experience within the property management industry and has experience throughout New Zealand and Australia as a manager, principal and consultant. He utilised all of this experience to form a property management business that he expanded between 2009 and 2016 into 7 locations around New Zealand.